October 13, 2010

Heart to Home | State Fair Party

The staff, residents and resident families had a great time at our State Fair Party!

A friendly Great Dane (Athena the dog) came to visit...

Friends and family mixed and mingled...

Some of the fun treats! Including: fresh popcorn, a chocolate fountain, bbq food, balloon art, an ice cream bar... Good times were had by all!

Here is the display of resident crafts for our State Fair Blue Ribbon Competition. Each resident paired up with a staff member and over the course of two weeks worked together making some beautiful artwork, food, crafts, etc... It was a great way for our staff and residents to connect one on one.

Garden Views of Mendakota Manor

Here are some great pictures of Heart to Home's Mendakota Manor garden...

The staff and residents at Mendakota Manor planted some sunflower seeds in the spring and look at them now! They're as tall as the roof!

September Staff Training!

A big "Thank You" to the Regina Medical Center's Grace Unit RNs for providing our staff with continuing education ("Dealing With Difficult Behaviors" and "Strategies for Improving Sleep in Older Adults"). Here are some pictures of Heart to Home's staff at the training session: